Episode 3: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

To maintain and advance the valuable connections between our members, The Indiana Healthcare Executive Network is pleased to bring the third installment of our quarterly podcast.

Monte Spence, Alexandra Simonton, and Kiley Wanecke discuss what it takes to empower the next generation; how great leaders ensure more participation comes from those in minority groups. Mentoring, collaboration, continued promotion of DE&I, and challenging each other all bring pragmatic changes to the quality of health care everyone receives long-term.

iHEN embraces diversity within the health care management field. Our membership recognizes DE&I’s priority as an ethical and business imperative. Not only do inclusive environments advance the quality of care, but they also improve hospital/community relations and positively affect the health status of society.


Episode 4: Roe V. Wade: Legislation Update


Episode 2: Advice & Insight for Leaders Growing Their Careers